Aufruf zur Inneministerkonferenz in Hamburg

Aufruf zur Inneministerkonferenz am 18. & 19.11. in Hamburg.
Zur Mobilisierung gegen die IMK findet eine Veranstaltungsreihe von Juni bis November statt.

Innenminister kommen und gehen wir bleiben: »Traces from Lesvos through Europe«

Austellung Uni HH Foyer der Sozialwissenschaften. Allende Platz 1 :
 vom 19.11.-08.12.2010

One year after the Nobordercamp in Lesvos we followed the traces of those who started their stay in Europe with a step on the islands’ soil. They came with small plastic boats, a dangerous trip from Turkey through the Aegean Sea. It was just the first salty step. They came to move further to Europe. Most of them we met during the time of Noborder and most of them were strongly involved in the struggles against the detention camp Pagani, a place that many now know as a symbol of inhuman European detention policy and that finally had to be closed down.

They were on the move to whole Europe and one year after they tell their stories:
Of successful arrivals without a fingerprint and about their precarious future of forced return. About the trap called DublinII, when they are to be deported back to Greece – and about successful struggles against this deportation-threat. It’s narrations about temporary arrangements with more or less precarious jobs in Athens and about the tries to overcome the Dublin-border to Italy twice and more times. And it is always about the next steps towards a right to stay in Europe as they say:
We came to stay!

By the exhibition the migrants’ voices returned to the place of their first struggle in Europe. To thank all the silent supporters who helped them on the island. And to take part in this years Noborder-activities, as long as most of them have no chance to travel freely in Europe at least with their pictures.

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